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History of the Unknown Soldier

The soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are from the 3rd US Infantry nicknamed the “Old Guard”. They perform their duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The soldiers must posses a perfect Military record and stand between 5’10” - 6’4” plus their physical build should match their height.

They work on duty with a team for 24 hours on three alternating days before having 96 hours off. While guarding the tomb the guard takes 21 steps in front of the tomb. At the 21st step the guard turns and faces the tomb for 21 seconds. He then turns and walks back 21 steps. The 21 steps and 21 seconds symbolize the 21 gun salute which is the highest honor given to a soldier. the guard repeats this pattern continually during his entire duty.

Being such a high honor to be part of the “Old Guard”, the guards are highly motivated and are proud to honor all American service members who are “Known But To God.”

With Veteran’s Day on Monday the 11th, we wanted to share this interesting fact about honoring the service members who have lost their lives defending our freedom and give our thanks to those who have or still are fighting for our continual freedom.

Matt Taylor1 Comment